New Limited Japanese Edition of Borne Away

New Limited Japanese Edition of Borne Away 100 copies / Signed and Numbered by Jesse Harris Hardcover book with cd Featuring illustrations by Asuka Ohsawa Liner notes by Nicholas Weber Full album lyrics $25 CLICK HERE TO ORDER ONE...

New Album “Borne Away” Pre-Order!

NEW VIDEO PREMIERE ON NOWNESS Today the site Nowness premieres the video for Borne Away, the title track from my new album. I teamed up again with Charlotte Kemp Muhl, who is also the guest vocalist on the recording, and photographer Lyle Owerko. Last summer we made a...

Japan Tour in May!

In May I’ll tour Japan with two great friends from Brazil, Vinicius Cantuaria and Dadi. We recently played three nights in Rio and had a great time. I look forward to seeing everybody in Japan again soon! – Jesse

“Borne Away” Featured on American Songwriter!

American Songwriter magazine premiered “Borne Away,” the title track from my new album (coming in June) on their website. You can check it out here:

Paris Show + Other News!

In Paris on May 14, Bill Dobrow (percussion), Anthony Wilson (guitar), and I will perform two sets at Club Sunset. My album Sub Rosa, which Bill co-produced with me in Rio, is finally coming out in France and the rest of Europe through Cristal Records and this will be...

Another NYC Guitar Trio Show + Three Nights in Rio

ANOTHER NYC GUITAR TRIO SHOW Julian Lage, Anthony Wilson and I had such a good time at our last performance at Rockwood Music Hall, that we are reuniting again for a performance at Cornelia Street Cafe March 26, on a double bill with the wildly talented young...